Sunday, May 25, 2014

Judge Andrée Ruffo - Moussa Sidimé killed his daughter 13 year-old - 60 days in prison

Judge Andrée Ruffo

Moussa Sidimé killed his daughter of 13-year-old

It is shameful judgment like this in a country like ours, " said former Judge Andrée Ruffo about the sentence of 60 days imprisonment imposed Wednesday Moussa Sidimé assené who had a fatal slap her daughter 13 years.

Asked Thursday by Mario Dumont on LCN-TV, Ruffo recalled in Canada, there are laws that protect children and that corporal punishment is prohibited .

"People are sufficiently informed with respect to these laws when they get here?" Has she asked , adding that this "little sentence" 60 days in jail sends a message that "you can abuse children continue , it is not that bad . "

She also called angry by the fact that members of the Guinean community have said they did not expect that the father was sentenced to prison. According to her, if her child hit " is acceptable in Guinea, it is not in Canada."

Ruffo also said she hopes that this decision will be appealed . "Justice is imperfect and that is why the Court of Appeal. The judge applied the law, but has not done justice. He died there of a child. She died because she was washing the floor evil, according to his father, "said Ruffo .

Former judge juvenile court has also asked why the girl was at home doing housework a day of class. "She lived with her father, mother and two brothers. She was always good , the slave, the drudge of the family ? We do not know what happened in that family . "

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