Wednesday, July 16, 2014

Des Patriotes School Board near Montreal Disturbing religious accommodations Born Again Christian, Are we so stupid in Quebec

Disturbing religious accommodations for all Quebec

Monsters that disturb and Born again Christians bother us
School board des Patriotes July 14, 2014 Montréal

Parents of describing himself as the sect "Born again Christian" is requested last October that their girls to leave the classroom when "religious or monstrous" topics.

"They told us that their religion does not tolerate other forms of deities God. So they do not want their child deals with subjects related to witches, fairies or elves "says Ms. Hébert.

"My child told me that she must make a text on an animal that scares; it means that a text on an animal enough!! "wrote parents in a letter to the school board.

Finally, a compromise was reached. The school board refused to let the child leave the classroom, but rather suggested that they work on another subject when the topics are not suitable for their religion.

I used to be Catholic as a child. I was baptized, I made my first communion, and my confirmation. I grudgingly went to church on Sunday mornings and always skipped out before or during communion. I didn't believe I deserved communion since I never wanted to be there. Once I made my confirmation, I refused to go back to my church. After about a year, I started attending a non-denominational Christian youth group. I then began attending Sunday morning services. I was soon baptized as a born-again Christian. In my opinion, both religions have the same goal, salvation, but the road to getting there is quite different for each. Both religions abide by the Ten Commandments, but, in my experience, they are interpreted slightly different. The Ten Commandments are the basic, broad rules that God demanded everyone live by. The rules were carved into two tablets of stone and given to a man named Moses. After being part of both religions, I noticed some major differences including the church leaders, the method in which one becomes saved, and who is worshipped.

In the Roman Catholic church mass is lead by a male priest who cannot marry. This priest also handles all communications between the people and God / Jesus. Even though, according to the bible, Jesus slashed the veil that separated the common church from the holy area, the priests still believe that the people can only be absolved by confessing to a preist. People confess their sins to the priest and the priest then communicates their confession to God; the priest is like a vessel. Priests also instruct people to pray certain prayers after confession.
The born-again Christian church is much different. Mass is lead by a pastor who can be either sex and who usually has a spouse and children. The pastor will sometimes put his or her hands on a person and pray for him or her, but he or she is not the vessel or 'midde-man' between a person and God. Also, confession is not lead by the pastor - confession is person and is solely between a person and God. A person looking for forgiveness must ask for it straight from God through prayer.

The Catholics believe the road to salvation lies in and among works. Works are basically following the Ten Commandments, like going to church every Sunday. Works also include completing applicable sacraments: baptism, first communion, confirmation, and reconciliation. These are all required works if one is to be saved. A relationship with Jesus is not entirely stressed.
Jesus said in the bible "... Deny me before man and I will deny you before you my father... ". This verse sums up the born-again Christian belief of how one is saved - a relationship with Christ. It doesn't matter how many good works one does in the name of God; without an acceptance of, and relationship with, Christ one is not saved. The born-again Christian belief is that salvation comes before baptism and that the work of being baptized does not make one saved.
Catholics pray to God, Jesus, Mary, and the saints. When praying the rosary, one prays the 'Hail Mary' many more times than one prays the 'Our Father'. Catholics also pray to saints. They put emphasis on celebrating the life of Mary and of the saints. Yet again, there are opposing views.
Born-again Christian pray to God and Jesus alone. The Ten Commandments state that one shall worship no other God . Born-again Christians strongly abide by this. To born-again Christians, Mary was simply a woman and the people that the Catholic church has deemed as saints are looked upon merely as people.

After having been a participant in both religions, many differences were noticed. The major differences I noticed were who was worshipped, the method in which one is saved, and who leads church services. In each of these categories I noticed other small differences like how priests differ from pastors. Catholic works differ from born-again Christian relationship with Jesus. I also noticed that some people, being holy and virtuous, were considered saints and were prayed to. Sure, these two religions have their differences, and yet somehow the goal of salvation us the same - Amen.

Are we so stupid in Québec? Yes my dear.

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