Sunday, November 9, 2014

Louis XIV - The value of money - Cost of living - Costs of goods - Cost of food - Cost of saling slave

Cost of living 

The value of money in France under Louis XIII and Louis XIV and Louis XV
French Different currencies
Ecu Louis, Book Tournament  

1266 St. Louis (a penny to the ECU = 4.13 grams of fine gold, a book Tournaments = 8.271 gr gold end)
1385 Charles V (Crowned shield creates a = 22 and under 6 deniers = 4.08 grams of fine gold)
1419 Charles VI (created shield Helm = 5.59 grams of fine gold = under 30)
in 1473 Louis XI returns to the ECU (3.68 grams of fine gold = 28 in 4 denier)
1577 ECU (3.2 grams of fine gold = 60 cents)
1602 Henri IV restores the system book and money in Tournaments
        (ECU 3.2 grams of fine gold = 65 in)
1615 Louis XIII door shield 75 in
the 1641 monetary reform Louis replace the ECU and the ECU of money
(say Louis silver = 25 grams of pure silver = 60 under = 6.25 grams of fine gold)
1709 Louis XIV returns to the book Tournaments (1 pound = 0.38 gr tournaments of fine gold)
1720 Louis XV ( 1 pound tournaments = 0.31 gr of fine gold)
1785 Louis XVI (1 pound = 0.29 gr tournaments fine gold 1 Pound = 4.45 grams of pure silver)
        Pound, Franc: 18 Germinal An III (04/07/1795)
        The Franc replaces the Book (1 franc = 1 Book 3 Deniers = 4.5 grams of pure silver)
1803 (17 Germinal Year XI) Double standard
1 franc = 4.5 grams of pure silver = 290.3225 mg of fine gold
1 US dollar = 5.182 franc; 1 pound sterling = 25.221 franc
value of the French Franc 1830-1990
is a 1803 franc = 15.72 ~ f1999
~ =is 1830 16.81 1999 1850 f ~ = 18.75 is f ~ = 1999 1860 is 15.23 1999f
1900is f = 18.04 1999 19.94 1910 is f = 1999 is 1914 = 17.28 1999f
1915is f = 14.40 = 4.89 is 1999 1920 1999 1930 is f = 3.08 f 1999
1940 is f = 2.05 = 0.14 is 1999 1950 1999 1959 is f = 0.085 f1999
= 7.90 is1960 1999 1970 is f = 5.49 f = 2.14 is 1999 1980 1999f
1990 is= 1 16 f 1999
Value for money 5 May 2010
US $ 1.00 is .7842 Euros
Elements on the value of things before the revolution

The will of the Marquis Louis de Fontanges Chambon April 14, 1785
Marie-Angélique Fontanges conduct to the Court of Versailles in 1676 became the favorite of Louis XIV. Filled with favors and presents, the King made ​​the Duchess with a yearly pension of one hundred thousand pounds (~ 2.5 million francs in 1999). She died in 1681 at the court, she was not twenty years, leaving a substantial fortune to his family, the Marquis Louis de Fontanges was one of his descendants. He was déchut his rights when the abolition of privileges, Chambon his castle was burned in 1793. He died shortly thereafter.
Highlights of his will
  • Gives his wife Baroness Layac 150 pounds (2830 f 1999) for it to be told every day during the year of his death Masses for the repose of his soul by such priest he pleases.
Louis of Gold

  • Gives each of his legitimate children: Jean Antoine his younger son, Juliette his eldest daughter, Helen Louise's youngest daughter. The sum of twenty thousand Pounds (377000 f 1999).

  • Gives his wife in case she is pregnant at death of one or two children the sum of twenty thousand pounds per child payable at posthume.- gives his wife her life the legitimate enjoyment of the income from his land and his barony Fluviat worth eleven hundred pounds per year (20735 f 1999).

- Give and bequeath to his goddaughter and Jeanne Bourzeix servant to this castle its food and service throughout his life both in health and disease during the time it will be able to work and will remain alive as wages it is paid (crumbs)Note.
Author's  the book of time is equal to 18.85 f 1999. The fees charged by the notary (Jean-Baptiste Monanges) are 224 + pounds for the same amountrecording

Testamentof Jean-Baptiste Monanges addition notary named 1783 gives his wife Marie Dellestable 150 pounds to give masses for the repose of his soul and give his niece (he has no heir) the sum 10 000 pounds (188 500 f 1999) to his death as well as income from his study1786.

of Leger Testament Monange daily to Chirac in  Chirac gives the pastor of 10 books say masses and gives his legitimate and only daughter Catherine 700 pounds (13 000 f 1999)

Costs of life under Louis XIV
  • Price for rent includes house, barn, stable, garden, meadows, land and shepherds was 100 pounds per year and 6 pounds of butter and cheese and many six capons. (Ie 2800 1999 f)

  • Purchase price of a package of buckwheat land, meadows and communal150 pounds

  • Pricea ewe and her lamb 5 pounds, a cow and her calf 40 pounds (760 f 1999),

  • A heifer and a bull 45 pounds

  • fully equipped with a bed his bedside 10 pounds

- a dresser and a dresser with drawers and lock 15 pounds (280 f 1999)
The previous parts have been recorded on the deeds of the time, the elements currency are based on data provided by the communication department of the Bank of France.

Prices of food and convenience
                    Required by law for an individual to enter into a marriage

- Before 1792 (Canon Law): 12 years for women. 14 years for men1792.
- From Law of September 20,  13 years for women. 15 years for menXII.
- From Act 1 Germinal  15 years for women. . 18 years for men
- Age at which parental consent is no longer required
- Ordinance of Blois in 1579: 25 years for women. 30 years for men1792..
- From Law of September 20,  21 for two
- From Act 1 Germinal XII: 21 years for women. 25 years for men1907.
- From Law of 21 June  21 for two1974.
- Since Act of July 5,  18 for two.
Military service
1793 Permanent Requisition indefinitely
in 1802 5; conscription by lottery; authorized replacement
18186 years
18248 years
7 years1832
1855 7 years, no replacement, but possibility of exemption against CHF 2,500
1868 5 years for half of the quota (by lot) and six months for others. Authorized replacement
in 1872 and compulsory universal service 5 years,replacement deleted
3 years1889
19201 year
192318 months
18 months 19352 years
19451 year or 15 months
19461 year
195018 months maintenance under the flags up to 30 months Algeria during the war of
19592 years
196516 months
13 months 1969
197012 months
199110 months
2002 Disappearance of national service
Cost of living during the French Regime  
The value of money in France under Louis XIII and Louis XIV and Louis XV
French Different currencies at different times

ECU, Louis, Book Tournament  

1266 St. Louis (a penny to the ECU = 4 13 grams of fine gold = 8.271 a pound Tournaments grams of fine gold)
1385 Charles V (Crowned shield creates a = 22 and under 6 deniers = 4.08 grams of fine gold)
1419 Charles VI (creates the ECU Helm = 5.59 grams of fine gold = 30 in)
1473 Louis XI returns to the ECU (3.68 grams of fine gold = 28 in 4 denier)
1577 ECU (3.2 grams of gold end = 60 cents)
1602 Henri IV restores the Book-in tournaments and money system (ECU 3.2 grams of fine gold = 65 in)
1615 Louis XIII carries the shield 75 in
the 1641 monetary reform replaces Louis ECU and the ECU Silver
(Louis said money = 25 grams of pure silver = 60 under = 6.25 grams of fine gold)
1709 Louis XIV returns to the book Tournaments (1 pound tournaments = 0, 38 gr gold end)
1720 Louis XV (1 pound = 0.31 gr tournaments of fine gold)
1785 Louis XVI (1 pound = 0.29 gr tournaments fine gold 1 Pound = 4.45 g of pure silver)
Paper Franc: 18 Germinal An III (07/04/1795)
replaces the Frank Book (1 franc = 1 Book 3 Deniers = 4.5 grams of pure silver)
1803 (17 Germinal Year XI) Double standard
1 franc = 4.5 grams of pure silver = 290.3225 mg of fine gold
1 US dollar = 5.182 franc; 1 pound sterling = 25.221 franc
value of the French Franc 1830-1990
Value of a French franc in 1803 more or less equal value 15.72 F

1999French franc (FRF) was replaced with the Euro January 1, 1999
A EUR is equivalent to 6.55957 FRF 1999

Table of values ​​money Bank of Canada in 1999
for calculations
A French Franc in 1999 is $ 0.2416 = Can
To purchase 1999 $ 1.00 = US $ 1.4858 Can
or Can $ 1.00 worth US $ 0.67303
in 1999 to buy a Euro = 1.5847 US dollars in 1999Can
or$ 1.00 Can $ 0.63103 worth Euro
1999 OZ OR =$ 272.00 US  
OZ GOLDin 2012 = $ 1,800.00 US

equivalent of the 1830 book French Fran 1999
1830 is 16.81 ~ = f
~ = 1850 is18.75 f  
1860 is~ f = 15.23
1900 = 18.04 isf
worth 1910f = 19.94  
1914 = 17.28 is f
= 1915 is 14 40 f
= 1920 is 4.89 f
3.08 f = 1930 is
1940 is= 2.05 f  
1950= 0.14 is f
= 0.085 in 1959 is f
= 1960 is 7.90 f  
5.49 f = 1970 is
1980 is f = 2.14
in 1990 is f = 1.16

Value for money under Louis XIV (estimated) in 1709
1 pound = 1 franc = 20 under
3 pounds = 1 ECU
= 1 shilling 10 pounds
24 pounds = 1 louis Gold

One pound is equivalent to 1830 Euros in 2012.
A book is therefore40 euros
a shield120 euros
400 euros a pistol
Louis A gold 480 euros

table of Louis XIV - but nottable farmers

a diningin poor hostel (bread, meat, beer = 5 in
A pair of wooden clogs = 4 in
Little House (1 fireplace, 2 doors, 2 windows)= 200 pounds
One pound= 14 pounds of sugar
a pound of beef = 5 under
Maintenance of a horse in a day = 20
A jug of wine of average quality near a liter = 4 under
a pound and a half of bread = 3in

valuea monetary slave
He collected 115 slaves valued price silver price is 27 American Indians and blacks 89 price, for a gross sum, a Native American is 412 French pounds in 1760 and 980 Black French books.
Laprise Panis was a slave

in most price valued in kind, such as purchased by Charles Boucher Labruère of 90 bushels of wheat in 1790 or this panisse sold in 1722 by the widow Destaillis Deneau said Joseph Lawrence Lefebvre 40 bushels of peas and a pig
average income
Monthlyin pounds
Euros / month2012
=  companion 8-20 underper day
852euros / month
= 12 A worker winemakerper day under
730 euros / month
= 5 A soldier in a day more 2 pounds of bread, one pound of meat and a pint of wine atmarches
304 euros/ month
= An army sergeant under 10 per day plus food soldier
608 euros / month
A sub-lieutenant = 83.33 pounds / month
3333 euros / month
A commander = 250 pounds / month
10.0000euros / month
A chaplain in the service of a large house: £ 16.67 / month + plus board
16 67
667 euros / month
A check of a large house: 8.33 lb / month +the board
333 euros / month
A lackey of a large house = 8.33 lb / month +the pension
333 euros / month
If one considers that the "meal in a bad inn" is roughly equivalent to the basic grub brewery "10 euros put" we can give as value at dinner at the time of2 euro

New France

but New France the value of money and the cost of living were not the same as the motherland because he lacked money

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