Wednesday, August 13, 2014

Yezidi and Christian minorities buried alive by djihadists in Iraq

Yezidi and Christian minorities buried
alive by djihadists in Iraq

August 10, 2014

Want us to these Islamic criminals in Canada and Quebec to become Canadian citizens as reasonable accommodation? Are we being too friendly or fools? Should we restrict Muslim immigration for decades? Reasonable accommodations are requested to the Bouchard Taylor and our governments

Nobody can tell if this person is a terrorist, but why honest Muslims do not rise to denounce these extremists. They are among us, like the blood flowing through the veins. Do not expect us politicians sold starting to wake up? This day will be too late for our democracy. The rule of law is for the Democrats, the religious state is for the terrorist extremist

500 members of the Yazidi religious minority Christian and buried alive by the jihadists in Iraq August 10, 2014

Islam is the mercy of God and some examples mercy of the Prophet and his companions

"The grace, forgiveness granted to those that could punish" a definition is sometimes used to describe mercy. But what mercy in Islam?

Islam gave mercy even deeper sense, made ​​an essential part of the life of a Muslim, for which God rewards.

Mercy of God, it grants to all His creatures, is evident in all that surrounds us. in the sun that gives us light and heat, air and water are essential to life

An entire chapter of the Quran is named ar-Rahman, that is to say "the Merciful."

The jihadists of the Islamic state have killed at least 500 members of the religious minority yazidie since the beginning of their recent offensive in northern Iraq and were buried in mass graves, said the Iraqi Minister of Human rights.

Chia Mohamed al Sudani said to have evidence that Sunni extremists buried alive some of their victims, including women and children.

He added that the IU had removed about 300 women into slavery.

By Moreover, at least 20,000Iraqisrefugees in the Sinjar Mountains to escape the jihadists in northern Iraq, were able to escape unharmed to Syria before returning to Iraq escorted by Kurdish forces. A Kurdish official crossing point Fishkabour of the border, said 30,000 people had arrived from Syria, MP Yazidie Vian Dakhil reports for its share of 20,000 to 30,000 who fled and were now in the autonomous region of Kurdistan Iraqi.

Jihadists of the Islamic State (EI) killed at least 500 members of the religious minority yazidie since the beginning of their recent offensive in northern Iraq.

Chia Mohamed al Sudani, Iraqi Minister of Human man, said Sunniextremists had buried some of their living victims, including women and children. He added that the IU had removed about 300 women into slavery.

"We have clear evidence obtained from Sinjar Yazidis have fled and some have escaped death, but also from images of scenes crimes that show conclusively that the bands of the Islamic state has executed at least 500 Yazidis up after takingSinjar,"said Mohamed al Sudani Chia in a telephone interview with Reuters.

Yazidis Some buried alive

Sinjar is home yazidie the community, after the Kurdish minority in Iraq and follower of a pre-Islamic religion considered"evil"by Sunni radicals of IE.

"Some victims, including women and children, were buried alive in mass graves scattered in and around Sinjar, "said the Iraqi Minister of Human

Rights."In some images we obtained, the bodies of Yazidis are aligned after being killed by a bullet in the head while the fighters of the Islamic State rejoice and wave their arms over the body, "he has said.

Progression fighters of the Islamic state in northern Iraq resulted in the exodus of tens of thousands of Yazidis or members of the Christian minority. The jihadists were given until Sunday noon to 300 families yazidies to convert to Islam or die.

Whether Chia Mohamed al Sudani spoke of these families or other potential victims of the conflict.

Reduced to slavery

"YazidisWe talked to some Yazidis who fled Sinjar. We have dozens of testimonials describing the painful scenes of fighters of the Islamic State arriving and pulling girls in their families to serve as slaves, "he has

said."Terrorist Islamic state also reduced at least 300 women yazidies the state of slaves and some locked in a police Sinjar and transferred others in the city of Tal Afar. We fear they take them outside the country.

""It is now the responsibility of the international community to take a firm stand against the Islamic state to reach a consensus on a legitimate decision to start a war against the "State Islamicstop genocide and atrocities against civilians,  said Mohamed al Sudani Chia.

Americans are bombing

the jihadists,United States conducted Saturday for a second day of air strikes against the Sunni jihadists threaten Erbil, the capital of IraqiKurdistan,and stalk the Christian minorities and yazidies.

arrived inon BaghdadSunday,the French Foreign Minister, LaurentFabius,had to go in the wake Erbil to oversee the distribution of a French humanitarian aid , announced its services and Kurdish officials.

The United States has already dropped to aid refugees Yazidis on MountSinjar.Britain should do the same. However, these countries stress the responsibility of political leaders in Baghdad,including that of Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki asked to form as soon as possible a unity government.

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