Saturday, September 20, 2014

Lina Janosi dolls maker with MAIDA Dolls Ning Group

Lina Janosi Connecticut in morphing gifs Dolls maker


MAIDA Dolls Ning Group

My name is Lina.

I am the owner of Tiny Birds Treasure.

I am a wife and mother of two.
I love to create things with lots of detail and meaning.

I enjoy history and making crafts and ornaments with

a Victorian Shabby Vintage style to them.


Dedicated To Every Little Detail

I am a wife and mother of two children. I have lived in the beautiful, historical state of Connecticut all of my life. I think that is in part what has inspired my love of history and historical items and art from long ago.

I am a doll maker. I belong to the MAIDA Dolls Ning Group and have participated in many doll challenges. I am also proud to say, I have made my very own Izannah Walker inspired Doll, Alabama Doll, Queen Anne Inspired Cloth and Clay Doll and a Portrait Style doll painted in oil paints.

I am also a member of the Spun Cotton Ning Group.

I love all things "pretty" and all things with a special story behind it. I love the eras from the mid 18th century on through to the early nineteenth century. You will notice that I offer items from Victorian, Vintage, Shabby, Folk and Traditional styles in my shop.

I have a special fondness of creating Victorian themed ornaments because it is thru them I can "play" with a wide variety of detailed "pretties", such as crepe paper, lace, ribbons, buttons. glitter, pearls, Dresdens, Vintage images and whatever catches my fancy at the time of my creation.


Spun Cotton Victorian Father Christmas Doll Ornament I made and added to my etsy shop.


Excellent  An other Blog I just saw and selling




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