Saturday, August 16, 2014

Mohamed Farah Shirdon djadhiste Criminal killed in Irak from Calgary Canada

Mohamed Farah Shirdon djadhiste Criminal killed in
Iraq,we do not want the Government of Canada shall pay any expenses or support for this CRIMINAL - he set foot there in Iraq - that's his problem and that of his family. We have none, but I mean no human vis-à-vis these terrorists feel that we get to open in Canada hand. Although it was appointed a Canadian citizen, for me it is not a Canadian, he is a jihadist, a religious offense, a human waste.
CBC August 15, 2014
The Department of Foreign Affairs says it is aware of reports that a Canadian was killed in Iraq, but refuses to
confirm.'sEnglish Radio-Canada reported on Friday that it was Mohamed Farah Shirdon, a former Calgary resident who was radicalized in Canada before traveling to the Middle East to fight with the extremists of the Islamic State.
CBC cites several media claim that the man was killed in Iraq.
"We are aware of reports that a Canadian has was killed in Iraq. We are monitoring the situation closely, "said a spokesman of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Jean-Bruno Villeneuve.
Earlier this year, CBC had broadcast a propaganda video showing Mohamed Farah Shirdon burning his Canadian passport and threatened the President the United States, Barack Obama.
A prominent imam from Calgary think the Canadian suffered a "brainwashing" and fears that his alleged death prompts other radicalized youth to follow his example.
"I do believe it creates an attraction for those who have already reached the limit and experiencing feelings extremists over the more moderate Muslims, and that's why all this is very disturbing, "said Syed Imam Soharwardy, the Supreme Islamic Council Canada.
Imam said he did not personally know Mohamed Farah Shirdon, but he had already seen in some events in Calgary.

M. Soharwardy is concerned that many young Canadian Muslims are influenced by people he described as "fanatics".
"They do not understand that Islam does not condone the actions of this kind ... It ' is not martyrdom, it's fanaticism, terrorism, "he
said."These fanatics, they have the freedom to preach here, they have the freedom to work, to visit the communities and talk to young boys, and no one stops them. It is quite disturbing that these youth have a brainwash here in Canada.
"Wewonder if John Baird ask Calgary to change the city name to Mohamed Farah Shirdon because we love these beautiful newcomers. We have volunteers all over the country blindness. Stop Muslim immigration to Canada, and that's all. Muslims can not control themselves as the Muslim Canadian Congress.

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