Sunday, August 17, 2014

Patriot School Bord South Shore of Montreal More religious accomodation Hijab during physical education

Patriotsschool board
South Shore of Montreal July 14, 2014

More religious accommodation

Hijab during physical education

TheApril 30, 2014, the parent of a little girl attending a primary school in the school board wrote to management to ask her daughter to wear the hijab and long pants during physical education classes.

"Our daughter does not remove her

hijab""Because she's really upset. Each week, Tuesday and Thursday, it can not go to school, and she cries. If you plaite, help us!
"(...)I want my daughter to go to school with happy, with freedom," wrote the parent of a letter sent to management.

As is the cases for each reasonable accommodation, the school board sent a letter to the parent, asking him to explain his reasons in writing, however, the latter will never responded.

Was it because classes end approaching? Will we receive another application next year? We'll see, Catherine launches Houpert.

Wearing the hijab in physical education classes is at the discretion of each school.

Only problematic cases are sent to school board.

"I'm pretty sure other girls wear hijab for sports in other states schools Catherine Houpert.

As you can see even the director asks his parents to lodge complaints to the Commission scolaire des Patriotes. I think the director needs to "secular" support in Quebec and in the meantime she resigns to wear the veil in the face to hide like an ostrich. If all school boards manage these difficulties of sorts, Quebecers will cease to exist because of your bows and these religious fanatics will become your bosses, my dear. That's what you want? Get up everybody and Quebec require that these cowards sold and politicians take their responsibility as politicians in Iran.  

You do not have your hijab, you're stoned. Here stones yourself. We have the Small-Québec and Grandchildren Administrators cheese. When will the integration of immigrants in Canada, not when the integration of the occupants of the immégrants Canada. If they do not or can not understand that they themselves requested to come here, they can just go to the best that Canada heavens. If it was in their country, why come to us make us citizens of Canada unsustainable life. Their racism and racist does not equal against Canadians backgrounds for over 400 years.

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