Tuesday, September 9, 2014

Paloczi Zoltin (Zoli) In Memoriam December 18, 1933 - September 09, 2013 maried with Lisette Laprise

An Ode To My Dad~


There was an old man

by an old gate

standing within his garden.

He had worn pants and rusty tools,

A simple life was his life's rule.

Work hard and pray

May the Good Lord  bless you

He would confidently say.

He was happy to give

and gracious to share

to him everything was worthy

of  his tender care.

The sun rose at dawn

with him on his knees

tending to flowers whose petals

did please.

The sun set at dusk

with him on his knees,

May the Good Lord Bless

all his good deeds.


My Love is Eternally Yours,




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