Sunday, August 2, 2015

Scotstown The marsh opens Scots bike, Estrie, Eastern Township, near Lac-Megantic, Quebec, Canada

Scotstown: The marsh opens Scots bike
(HAMPDEN) The prefect of the Haut-Saint-François (HSF), Nicole Robert, went there with all his enthusiasm when speaking of the new bike path and pedestrian park the swamp of Scots, whose first phase was inaugurated in the area of Franceville, on the edge of Mont-Mégantic National Park.

"When we complete the next phases of development that will allow users to go up Walter MacKenzie Park,Scotstown,we believe this bike path will be one of the most beautiful in southern Quebec, nothing less, "Ms. Robert said during the inauguration.
This first section joined a three-kilometer 4.5 km multipurpose path already fitted at Parc national du Mont-Mégantic, in the Franceville sector, swamp neighbor.
"He spent 12 000 people in the national park Mont-Mégantic, here in the Franceville sector. The park also proves a major partner. We are pleased that our new multifunctional trail makes the link between the park, the swamp and possibly the Walter MacKenzie Park, Scotstown.
Salmon River
It will allow more visitors to appreciate the exceptional quality of life of our region, its activities and landscapes that reveal just living. There's life in our landscapes with water, fauna, flora ...
"Involvinga major investment of $ 180,000, the new track has a sinuous course, in a peaceful atmosphere, dotted scenic stops with panoramic mountain views, the creek and marsh.
Several partners have the hands-on with the MRC HSF, in addition to go for financial contributions. This is, among others, the Hydro-Quebec Environment Foundation, the Regional Conference of the Estrie elected, the Ministry of Municipal Affairs, Regions and Land Occupancy (MAMROT), Ministry of Natural Resources, Wildlife and Parks, Ducks Unlimited and the Local Development Centre (CLD) of Haut-Saint-François.

The mayor of Scotstown, Chantal Ouellet, who also represented the mayor of Hampden, Bertrand Prévost, has confessed to realize a dream she caresses for 25 years.
"There has long I dream of implementing a link between Scotstown and Parc national du Mont-Mégantic. We had faith and still have. It is sure that a few kilometers for the link is complete, "she confided. She admitted expect a considerable influx through this multi-purpose path, this summer.
"This project will help many of our smaller municipalities. Scotstown is just seven kilometers from the Mont-Mégantic National Park. . This is an important investment for my municipality ", she concluded
Living with our youth
Under the future development of the regional park of the Rivière-au-Saumon, there are two development centers: Franceville sector City of Scotstown sector.
To link the two areas, a cycle track with a length of about 8 km would follow, from the gate of the Parc du Mont-Mégantic, the Franceville way to the bridge over the swamp to the Scots then branch off into the forest roads that border the stream McLeod to get to the bridge over the Rivière-au-Saumon, thus leading to Walter MacKenzie Park in the town of Scotstown.
Scotstown is the synonym of good health
This track Bicycle would be complementary to that provided around Mont Mégantic.
It would connect the villages of Val-Racine, Notre-Dame-des-Bois, Quebec, La Patrie, Hampden and Scotstown by Franceville and Chesham paths, roads and 212-214 and 257.
They would be adjusted accordingly and safeTel.:.
City of Scotstown
101 Ch Victoria West
Scotstown, Quebec, Canada
J0B 3B0
Fax: 819 560-8434

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