Saturday, April 18, 2015

Piopolis, near Lake Megantic, Eastern Township, Quebec, Canada

Population 344 inhabitants
                                                            MRC Granit
Piopolis "meaning city of the pope" was founded in 1871 by the Papal Zouaves, defenders of Pope Pius IX (1846-1878). Speaking of the foundation of Piopolis so it's about these Zouaves generous heart which, as a result of their religious adventure across the seas and into Italy, put their courage to the great cause of colonization.

It is true that at this time there is an intense movement that pushes young people to uncleared land. The Zouaves Europe revenues,the government offers lots and it provides for future settlers, a missionary. They were promised $ 5.00 per month for 2 years and provides them with housing in the new colony.

Thus encouraged, fourteen Zouaves with their missionary, MA Séguin, accept these offers and go to this place located on the shores of Lake Megantic and later called Piopolis shortage.
difficulties getting there is no  railway s' stops at Sherbrooke. A duty of service on the highway passes in Winslow (now Stornoway). There where a supply station, a kind of general store.
Our future settlers buy a stove, lamp, oil, coal, a sickle, the "lamp globes", hams, flour etc. In short everything you need to deal with the many needs.
Winslow,  a path up to Lake Mégantic is sketched through the woods. Here and there some feeble huts are built on the edge of the road. The more we advance, the more intact forest and deep. To reach the place proposed to the fledgling colony, thus travels fifty miles about 30 miles. We arrive there on April 21, 1871.

The Zouaves on site camp 20 x 22feet,built of hewn pieces. This camp was built and then abandoned by Scots came there to attempt colonization.

This home consists of one room on the ground floor and an attic with an ill-fitting floor to serve as a dormitory. The construction was done quickly and without great care, we can emerge between the pieces of wood. Unfortunately, 1871 Spring is late and the Zouaves shivering.
But these settlers are young, resourceful, healthy and enthusiastic. They have a head full of dreams and ambitions. Do not they want to build a village, a family and settle there permanently?

Upon arrival, we start the task. It must first caulking the walls to make the house more comfortable.
Piopolis Hostel rising sun

Some improvised loggers. Trees have to be felled and make wood for heating. Later, it will clear the land for cultivation. In turn, you become a cook, you have to feed these strong men who have increased the appetite for bonfire, build roads, to improvise carpenters to break windows, make furniture, cleaning the house, just settle ...

the evening is the evening. We tease, fun, sing. A camaraderie develops. And tomorrow, we will resume the task with as much courage as the day before.

But everything is not always rosy. The Scots of the northwest part of the township see a dim view of these settlers settling on land they covet. They retaliate to show their discontent. Our men were soldiers, do not forget. They know how to defend themselves and know the value of their fists when it is not a solid club hidden under the seat of the cart when moving.

This will live for several months. But the starting group will decline. Four of them, probably disappointed in their hopes or frightened by the task ahead of them take the way back. Others hold good, choose the lots and begin to settle on their own field. New settlers will swell the ranks of the little colony.
Piopolis church and rectory

Edmond Grenier, arrived in Piopolis in 1874. He married Marie-Flore Beaulé 28 February 1876. From this union was born 15 children.
The Attic are ubiquitous in Piopolis and those who have left the home of their childhood to other places will always come back with happiness.
This text was inspired in large part by an article on Piopolis as the "Company History Townships the East "published in the messenger St. Michael 1930 Text taken by Jean-Marc Grenier for album Piopolis centenary (1871-1971).

Only 10 of the 14 young Zouaves left Montreal in 1871 remained Piopolis

Alexandre Lacroix
Joseph DamienLeclaire
Isidore Odilon
Arthur Champagne
Willian Hamer
CloutierAmable Elzéar
Alfred Gaumont
  Piopolis Trail Michel

They settled in the place we now call "Old Village" at the intersection of Old Village (Route 263) and HighwayPioneers.

Originally, the municipality bore thename. South MarstonIt was not until 1958 that she took the name we know it now. Piopolis

The parish called St. Zeno Piopolis Christianity..Zenowas a Roman soldier converted to  Emperor Diocletian, who persecuted Christians for 10 years, took him prisoner and Zeno was forced to work on the construction of the thermal baths (hot and cold pools, fitness center and library) to Diocletian (298-306 AD) the largest in Rome. They could accommodate 2,000 bathers.

Bourget had given to Zouaves he had recruited a relic of St. Zeno

1907 diocesan authority sets the current location of the church, which led to the relocation of the village. The church building will be completed in 1909 at a cost of $ 8,875 and the construction of the parsonage cost of $ 3,200. Both buildings were built by entrepreneurs Désilets and Sylvestre de Sherbrooke. The church was renovated in 1988 and 2006.
 Piopolis camping and beach
1884 Start of construction of the road from the Old Village (Route 263).
1902 Compulsory vaccination.
1906 Road Construction Pioneers.
She will be abandoned later and reopened in the 1990s
1907 Installing a telephone line.
Piopolis 1920 has a telephone exchange.
1927 Start of construction of River Road-Bergeron.
1932 The parish has 37 families and a population of 523 "souls".
1944 The concrete sidewalks replace wooden sidewalks in lower village.
Piopolis autumn

1946 Beginning of the opening of the roads in winter by entrepreneurs.
1947 Construction of the "fire tower" and a fire station.
1948-1950 Installation of electricity by Piopolis Shawinigan Water and Power Company.
1956 Transformation of an old school in the municipal garage.
The Municipality opened the roads in winter.
1958 South Marston becomes Piopolis.
1965 The old village school became a parish hall.
1970 Start of picking trash.
Piopolis 1971 celebrates its 100th anniversary.
1978 The road between Woburn, Piopolis and Marston Road becomes the 263.
1980 Opening of the municipal library.
Piopolis gives names of its streets and its ranks.
Piopolis 1985 is part of the MRC du Granit.
1986 municipal office moved into a local credit union.
Allocation of civic numbers residences.
Piopolis 1990 proclaims unilingual francophone municipality.
Acquisition of the convent to make the municipal building.
2004 fire truck and the municipal garage
Historical and heritage walking tour of Piopolis

Piopolis Village © Steve Pellerin
This historical and heritage tour invites you to discover the particular history of Piopolis Municipality, founded by the Papal Zouaves in 1871.
This circuit consists of 7 interpretive panels on five separate sites and dealing with the following subjects: Way of the Cross and the old village, the development of the new village, the fire tower and forges, docks and marina and the dock of the old village.
Furthermore, another panel was placed at to the entrance  the marina,a popular place in summer.This is a map showing the entire territory of Piopolis and indicating the location of all the tourist and commercial enterprises of the municipality. We suggest you to discover this circuit of 12 km by bicycle or motor vehicle. You must provide a maximum half a day for the entire circuit.


Lately tourism is growing and the villagers even claim that Piopolis is the provincial capital of the hike. Indeed, the site of Piopolis attracts many vacationers, as its beach and marina. The municipality is linked to the rest of the country by a cycle network. This is a resort and you can rent cabins, kayaks, buy antiques and craft works in its stores (one of them sells beautiful kites).
Piopolis Camping

Located at Lake Megantic, with breathtaking views of the Appalachians, camping Piopolis offers an enchanting and peaceful atmosphere. You will be charmed by the warm welcome and Piopolissois or Piopolissoises. Enjoy nature, clean air, landscapes and beautiful sunrises.Enjoy the kayak rental service for paddling observing one of the most beautiful wetlands in Quebec.

For hikers,a network of forest trails and riparian circles the heart of the village. The camping Piopolis is located near the Park du Mont-Mégantic, an equestrian center and a 43-kilometer bicycle network. By reading the name of the village, one can not help but wonder where it comes from and where this village is located. To you to come and discover.

Hiking and Equestrian stay,being certified riding, riding camp, sleigh rides and sledding, Canadian horse breeding, horse training, rustic camping and organizing activities for groups



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