Monday, February 9, 2015

Case Blanchard and Lamontagne - Justice, Last hanging in Sherbrooke

William Wallace and Rémi Blanchard
Hanged at the Winter Sherbrooke prison

Then came that of William Wallace Blanchard, convicted of the murder CA Calkins committedNovember 18, 1889 in Rock Island.
Execution Order hanging

Calkins, a close friend of Blanchard, had been assassinated during an orgy called by Blanchard, Reading a Massachusetts native born American who was aged 31 at the time of the crime.

In the days before the fateful date of December 12,1890, Rémi Blanchard,bitterly repenting of the act he had committed, s' was collected and taken refuge in the most ardent devotion, lying with his spiritual advisor, Father Fisette EC, parish priest of St. Patrick, the courage to face this final test. He even reconciled with his wife whom he had been separated for some time.

Finally December 12th, 1890 at 8:55 am, the bell of the Cathedral of St. Michael was heard throughout the four corners of the hamlet of Sherbrooke and could even spot hoisted to the mast of the prison, the black flag, which frequently precede the day of mourning.

And now they brought out William W. Blanchard of the prison and led him across the yard. Once mounted thescaffold,he addressed the people present and especially to Father Fisette, saying, "Gentlemen, I thank you all for your kindness I hope to meet you in the next world, Goodbye."

And to 9 hours 6 minutes, the Radcliffeexecutioner,the executioner on the signal received from Sheriff Webb, had triggered the trap; the body fell into the void by bouncing the tortured after the rope. Blanchard, dislocated neck, had several seizures and doctors afterendless seventeen minute, could finally see the death.

                                                    The Remi case Lamontagne

A week after the hanging of William Wallace Blanchard, Rémi Lamontagne, a farmer of 33 years of St. Ferdinand ofHalifax,in turn experienced the same fate for having murdered on the night of July 18, 1888 his brother-in-law of NapoleonMichel.

Rémi Lamontagne had always felt an inordinate love for hissister.Then one day, while he was particularly obsessed with the image of it and its pathological jealousy, he went to the house of the latter located in the parish of St-Julien Wolfstown. Finding his only brother-Lamontagnerushed at him beating almost to death and then wrap between two mattresses before setting it on fire. He fled leaving behind his dying victim.

In a last ditch effort before the fire reaches the NapoleonMichel managed to escape from his prison flames out by a frame and drag himself to a nearby house . It could refer to the author of the attack before making the soul.

After the drama, RémiLamontagne,who had fled and stood holed up since the murder, finally surrendered to authorities, accompanied by his brother-in a Grimard called, which in this case received the $ 1,000 bonus promised to help anyone find justice the murderer of Napoleon Michel.

Lamontagne defended by FX Lemieux went to trial and was sentenced to death for murder Napoleon Michel. The execution was set for December 19,1890.

On the morning of December 19, around 8:30 am, we brought out the culprit of his cell to bring them up to the gallows. As SheriffWebb would give the order to execute the executioner, Webb was suddenly seized with apoplexy.

He sank and died within seconds. It temporarily suspended the process to find a replacement to the sheriff . because Sheriff point point hanging

around 9:20 am Finally, the Witcher sheriff arrived and before the fatal order is given, Lamontagne exclaimed: "The good Lord calls me, I'm glad Pray for me. . Farewell!
"Thevacuum is then made ​​to feel under the feet of the victim, causing a thud in this crowd.

After eight minutes seizures, prison doctor noticed the death.

Winter PrisonSherbrooke

PrisonSherbrooke n 'was more about other similar executions before forty years.

In the early 19thcentury,there were no police or court or prison in the Eastern Townships.

The area was a distant frontier, far from the cities of Lower Canada. In principle, the law was applied by judges part time, who lived in scattered hamlets. During emergencies, the magistrates were assisted by the local militia. But there were too few judges and only if they were allowed to judge were those involving minors or prosecution involving only a few dollars disorders. Before the creation of the District of St. Francis in 1823 and a courtyard in Sherbrooke, cases involving large sums of money or any kind of crimes were registered in the role of the courts of Montreal, Trois-Rivières and Quebec.

When a crime was committed, the arrest warrant issued against the suspect had to be signed by a magistrate. If we could not find a magistrate, a militia officer enough. Then, the suspect must be arrested and taken to the city jail pending trial. Several prisoners escaped on the way.

In 1822 William BowmanFelton,a wealthy resident of Sherbrooke, drew a picture disaster (though possibly exaggerated) of the situation, focusing on the threat to private property.

"The Eastern Townships are exposed to the influx of a band of fugitives and immoral released from jails in neighboring states, engaged in smuggling or beyond their creditors or prosecution of justice in their country.

The bad guys enjoy all the facilities to plunder the Eastern Townships and went awaytheft;.  

Such misdeeds occur every day, especially horse  Very often, people suspected of such crimes are released by the party injured, often without compensation.

The adoption of laws pretenses frequently sees and is a scandal that there are almost no attention. In almost all prison establishments, the prisoners escape through the paths.

"Therehad 6 hangings at the Winter prison Sherbrooke
See other documents to my blog

Alain Laprise March 22, 2014

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