Monday, February 9, 2015

Taxpayer - Pension Plan - Our future Breakers - Unions - Governments - Our Elected

Our future thugs
Pension Plan

"Ialso included a large part of these problems to provincial, municipal, school and our dear corrupt politicians who have put huge amounts in their own pocket. To wear mismanaged public funds for their own benefit and private companies.  
In addition all mayors, MPs, former MPs elected former ministers, judges, former mayors, councilors, and others should begin to show The example also provide retroactive in their retirement fund will be decided as to the application of this so-called law on pensions plans.  
What is good for the gander is good pooch.  
Please note gentlemen Coderre, Labeaume leaders in the media company and you also have to suffer to be good mayors. You wanted these jobs, suffer in the top of the consequences of your perches.
I ask the Government of Philippe Couillard to require a deposit of100 million $to each of the unions to pay for the damage they have done to my company.
why taxpayers do they still have to pay in the next month of August until the implementation of the new law on pension schemes in municipalities or elsewhere
Collectiverampages,a jubilant crowd that breaks everything in its path to fun. A spontaneous reaction, fueled by incentives that drive the next to worst.

For if joy reigned during illegal demonstrations of students, unions, teachers and other unwelcome, have often turned into destructive storm.
These criminals are in take street furniture, shopping as well as patrol cars of the Montreal police, freedom of the citizens of Montreal. Preventing more taxpayers to go to work and ensuring that these paying are attacked by these robbers and denying our democratic society. If taxpayers do not work, can not pay taxes, the services of the state suffer. Consequently the new taxpayer must pay for doubling thesethugs.
How is it that justice, the Government of Quebec, do nothing against these morons. The five organizers of these criminal events have not been arrested. I had to pay hundreds of millions of dollars for repairs of these pestiferous. They found jobs very well paid within the Government and at our expense. Unions that fed ment Monetary these thugs have never had to pay the taxpayers. The government gives them complete amnesty.  
A puppet commission of several milliondollars,given to friends of the parties, to answer questions about the events and the actions of the police. Their biased conclusions and showing no responsibility for the commission, again gives the impression that in the upcoming public events that the tax payer has so much money and remove the responsibilities of these criminals.

Again, in the month of next August allunions,political parties, mayors of the municipalities will resume the same game altercation taxpayers will still pay the notes. Our elected officials and unions do not care about all of us, because it is not they who will pay for all these breaks, the taxpayers, not nothing to say on these matters.
The major flaw in Quebec, is denying personal responsibility andcollective.No individual or groups are responsible for their actions, it is in the state to see there, but Quebec is blind.  
Do not be distracted, the state still dipping into your wallet without realizing the consequences, because our politicians are not managing our money, they consume andserve cheerfully  this buffet that taxpayers have paid hard work and without corruption-.

Recess is over

Alain Laprise August 5, 2014

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