Monday, February 9, 2015

Christian Dubé, Defector Member of Parliament for Lévis CAQ in Quebec

Christian Dubé, Defector Member of Parliament for Lévis CAQ

François Legault,president of the CAQ

Subject: election in the riding of Lévis at a cost of $ 600,000

sworn deputies

After the election, the elected candidates must be sworn in by the Secretary General of Assembly to be able to sit on this institution. On this occasion, the Member takes the following 2 oaths

The oath of allegiance to the King or the Queen of

"I,Canada, ChristianDubé,swear [solemnly affirm] that I will be faithful and bear true allegiance to Her Majesty the Queen Elizabeth II.

"Theoath of loyalty to the people of

Quebec,"I, ChristianDubé,swear that I will be loyal to the people of Québec and that I will perform the duties of Member honestly and justly in accordance with the constitution of Québec.

"Oathof betrayal
act by which the assessment of the case is remitted to the good faith of a party who is invited by the judge or the litigant, to swear to the truth of a fact or reality of a commitment
Mr. Christian Dubé MP for Lévis resigned for better pay at the Hydro-Québec. So it only after 4 months in the Quebec National Assembly in Quebec surrender his oath
The cost of the election in Lévis will be $ 600,000
We ask Mr. François Legault and ChristianDubé,who have not complied his oath to provide the Director of Elections Quebec the sum of $ 600,000 immediately. Respectfully, despite your chinoiserie with Benoît Dutrizac Cogéco to give false explanations.  
Knowing that all of Quebec goes directly into the wall of finance, you must lead by example by paying the sum of $600,000.When a person is as a member, I think he is over 16 years and knew the end of four years, not four months. Knowing this it shall return that amount to the state. They pay like everyone else for his lack of judgment and greed.  

We must stop the rights of our members and passes the National Assembly. This is not a game, to work as a member. Well said Lucien Bouchard. The holiday time is over, and your reality hits you hard, paidDubé.

Alain Laprise 23 August 2014
cc Richard Martineau

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