Wednesday, February 4, 2015

Notre-Dame-des-Bois, Mrc of Granit near Lac-Mégantic, Québec, Canada

Notre-Dame-des-Bois ... impress!
We invite you to discover our beautiful region to live unforgettable moments. Notre-Dame-des-Bois is unique in its location. With an altitude of up to 555 meters, Notre-Dame-des-Bois is one of the highest villages in Quebec.
Notre-Dame-des-Bois Royal Decree
Come see our landscapes that are you breathtaking. Invigorating activities available to you with the seasons depending on your follower caliber.
Inwinter,enjoy one of the largest accumulations of snow. Get out skates, cross country skis, sleds, snowshoes, snowmobiles, and recharge your energy. To extend your stay, let yourself be pampered by the hospitality of our cabins. Our cottages, and century-old inns will charm you with their creative cuisine and country table. The quality of our air, our water, make our environment a haven of sublime nature. We will be happy to welcome you and you to impress.
Church Notre-Dame-des-Bois
With an altitude of up to 555 meters, Notre-Dame-des-Bois is one of the highest villages Québec.
Notre-Dame-des-Bois is accessible via Route212.
Origin and Meaning
What characterizes this municipality in the Eastern Townships, are the panoramic views of beautiful geographical components. Built on a hillside, it was implanted in the heart of the most mountainous region of the territory which overlooks the steepest slope of the massif of Mont Mégantic.
The altitude at which it rises 555 m, in fact the one of the highest communities in Quebec. Large sparsely populated area, Notre-Dame-des-Bois takes place in the MRC du Granit, southwest of Lac-Megantic in Quebec and Maine border in the southern part.
Important estriens territorial spaces are grouped in 1855 under the name of the municipality of the united townships of Newport-Ditton-Chesham-Clinton-and-Auckland,the township municipality of Chesham will be detached in 1877 to become Notre-Dame-des-Bois in 1958. Thus the name of a town in Buckinghamshire in England, we spent a hagionyme in the traditional Québec. However, the vast forests of the canton of Chesham, making this one of the most forested in the area, do not remain foreign to this designation.
Les Bois-Damiens their name from a statue of the Virgin installed facing the Catholic Church in 1876 and representing the Immaculate Conception, patroness of Chesham. In 1877, the parish took the name of Notre-Dame-des-Bois,as a result of the change in meaning of the name of the statue and according to the desire of Bishop Racine. The Marian name may come from Chapelle-des-Bois in France (Franche-Comté), solitary place where priests were refugees fleeing the Revolution in 1793.
A named Jacquin who sculpted a statue of the Virgin to deceive boredom, his colleagues naturally christened the Our ​​Lady of the Woods and the place becomes a popular pilgrimage center since 1880.
Finally, the place formerly had to wear the name of Vaillantbourg intribute to Pierre-U. Vaillant, who built the first sawmill here around 1875, but a battle having been fought it, we settled the question by holding Vaillantbourg to the Post Office and Notre-Dame-des-Bois for the parish.
"Important estriens territorial spaces are organized in 1855 under the name of the municipality of the united townships of Newport-Ditton, Chesham-Clinton-and-Auckland, the township municipality of Chesham will be detached in 1877 to become Notre-Dame-des Bois in 1958 1876.
December 27,  Erection of Canton Chesham1958.
September 20,  The canton of Chesham became the municipality of Notre Dame des Bois1969.
March 15,  The municipality of Notre Dame des Bois became the municipality of Notre-Dame-des-Boisarticle:.
The 2006 census it counts 964 inhabitants, 27% ​​more than in 2001.
Mont-Mégantic National Park
This town is home to the Parc national duMont-Mégantic.Within it is found theAstrolab,a center popularscience located on the edge of theMont-Mégantic,and a astronomical professionalobservatory, theMont-MéganticObservatory,located on top of Mount Mégantic. It should likewise be a place of pilgrimage,a chapel on the summit of Mount St.Joseph.
(Notre-Dame-des-Bois) Good morning Mr. Roger got up, he hitched his horse rolled up his sleeves, and began digging his land. Alone. A year later, the man had cleared a mile long. That day saw the birth of Cédrière of the mountain, at the foot of Mount Megantic in Notre-Dame-des-Bois. It was 14 years ago.
Un tipi au Camping de la Cédrière de... (Photo Ivanoh Demers, la Presse)
Today, the land is rustic campground bordered by astream full of trout. There is no trailer here. But there is something quite rare in Quebec: Indian teepees. There are eight field counting thirty locations to prick his tent, summer and winter. And they were all baptized.
The tipi "Stream" is close to the "Sun", and right next to the "Castor". It can accommodate four to six people. To get there, you have to cross a small wooden bridge. Walking through birch and cedar trees, and comes face to face with the front of a tipi which shall bear the scene of a horse running in a meadow.
M. Roger made ​​a tour. In the middle, there is a wood stove. Convenient to cut humidity, he said. On each side, there are wooden bed bases on which to place sleeping bags. But before you settle for the night, we must learn to enter and exit through the back door of the tipi.
"We have to be in time, sums up the campsite owner. We place aside. It leans forward, and we advance the leg, a bit like skiing. Do not go from the front, the risk of falling in the face.
"Mr.Roger motioned to follow him. It shows the picnic table, engages in another small path leading another wooden table and a fire pit in large rocks. "We do not feed the animals and bears, he said. When they do not have food, they do not come achaler us. Formerly they were wolves, but no more because the man killed them, believing protect deer. Occasionally, a coyote pass. What is needed is store food before bed.
"Abranch cracks, leaves move. Only a small bird. There are 150 species of birds in the Mount Mégantic region. Behind the tipi, you can see the mountains of the national park. In a few hours the night will fall, and if there are no clouds, you will be entitled to the first presentation of the starry sky, unique in this part of the province.
Notre-Dame-des-Bois observatory
But in the meantime A walk on the trail along the campsite to a small lake where you can swim is required. Nanook the Snow Dog Owner, if dégourdit legs after a leash. "He has 3 years, he says, is a teenager. I think it would take the wood if I kept it not attached. And I will never see him again.
"Nightfalls, and night. A late cyclist set up camp. Tomorrow he intends to travel the road of the peaks. The silence is disconcerting. A look to the sky gives the impression of being in the middle of the Milky Way. The Big Dipper is the rendezvous with his little sister. The North Star, too. No flashlight, we would find it no more. Fortunately, there has tipis as a benchmark in the camping Roger. The walk to the showers will wait until tomorrow.
Admire the stars at the Mont Mégantic Observatory
must ideally a cloudless sky, but astronomy evening (with reservations) is a must in the designated area "International Reserve sky star.
Guests are invited to 20h at the entrance of the national park. The evening begins with a multimedia presentation. Meanwhile, telescopes are installed outside to observe the moon and stars. In the evening, you can make a walk in the forest in darkness, or climb the observatory bequeathed by the engineer A. KarelVelan.It explains, among other things, how the region has adopted a policy to limit light pollution.
Go to the beach
The beach ofBaie-des-Sables,in the town of Lac-Mégantic, is about 20 minutes Car Mount itself, on a road letting discover breathtaking valleys. The beach is wide, we can rent catamarans, canoes and kayaks. After a hot day, a stop at the cheeseBoiler,a little further into town, is perfect for enjoying a soft ice cream. Cruises on the lake are also available at the marina of the city.
The Story of Mount St. Joseph
In summer, a trail is open to get there by car family. At the top, to 1065 m (8.5 kilometers of hiking, 3-5 hours), and recounts the history of the sanctuary of Mount St.Joseph,erected to seek protection against the weather. Formerly the property of the Diocese of Sherbrooke, the place was sold Mont-Mégantic National Park in the 70s since the chapel was completely restored.
Notre-Dame-des-Bois Shrine Mont St. Joseph
and General Store the restaurant
The heart of the small villages of Notre-Dame-des-Bois and La Patrie worth a stop. At Notre-Dame-des-Bois, the general store (27 Main Street W., sells pickles and homemade desserts, offered in colorful displays of antiques. In the village La Patrie, 15 km to the east, there has one of the best restaurants in the area, the restaurant-bar La Patrie (10 Main Street), a place famous for its burgers and tables of host with shrimp or homemade soup as a starter.

The Friday, July 15 will be launched the 28th edition ofAstronomy Festival PopularMont-Mégantic, an event that has become a tradition in the region astronomy year.
The Festival and will be held every Friday until August 26 inclusive, bringing with it a host of enthusiasts of stars and planets. The event is the best opportunity to bring an interested eye to the eyepiece of the largest telescope of Eastern America and contemplate the glories of heaven the first Dark Sky Preserve in theworld.
Notre-Dame-des Wood Cross
Indeed, every Friday, the scientific Mont-MéganticObservatory,located on top of the mountain will be open to the public, together with the Popular Observatory.
The observation evening will start each time Astrolab MontMégantic,at the foot of the mountain, with a moving presentation highlighting the exceptional contribution of the orbiting Hubbletelescope.It will be possible to then exchange with an astronomer at the two observatories at the top, the scientific Observatory and the Popular Observatory.
Reservations are otherwise mandatory for participation in the Festival evening activities. Just a phone call to officials, the numbers 819 888-2941 or 1-800-665-6527. All information can be found on the site
Come visit us
Auberge Aux Toits Rouges
Located at the foot of Mont-Mégantic, the recently built inn is adjacent to our restored century home piece by piece.

It offers five bedrooms tastefully decorated with private bathrooms, one with whirlpool.
Come and enjoy the rustic kitchen of his creative table and enjoy the altitude of 555 meters with a quiet charm you and you will impress!
Yvan Goyette, Mayor
Guylaine Blais, Executive Director
35, Church Road
Notre-Dame-des-Bois, Quebec, Canada J0B 2E0
Tel: 819-888-2724
Fax: 819-888-2904
Population: 889 inhabitants
Area: 190.90 km2
Inhabitants Wood-Damien, Bois-Damienne
Chalet Pioneer
Chalet at the foot of Mont-Mégantic Notre-Dame-des-Bois. No neighbors, four seasons, a queen bedroom, sofa bed, fully equipped with fireplace. Bedding and linens included. Dogs allowed.
New on the market. Beautiful historic cottage, piece by piece with stunning views of Mont Mégantic. At the heart of the First International StarlightReserve,here is the little cottage with the red door, the jewel of the region. No neighbors in sight, just the green (or snow) and mountains.
5 minutes from the entrance to the Mont-Mégantic.A cozy cottage as we only see in the movies. Perfect for holidays with friends, your children and also your pet. Fully equipped: wifi, full kitchen, bathroom with bath / shower, queen bed in 2nd and sofa-bed on the ground floor. Bedding and linens included. Barbecue. Perfect for 4 people (possibility of 6). Dogs welcome (conditions apply).
Whatever the season, the Mégantic region offers a variety of outdoor activities and attractions. Water sports, hiking, biking, snowshoeing, cross country skiing, dog sledding, horseback riding, astronomy (Observatoire du Mont-Mégantic), hunting and fishing, food, etc.
Make a campfire outside with friends or enjoy the warm wood stove to simply relax and read a book with a small cup of wine; wood is provided.
Come and enjoy this magical place with which we fell in love there several years, you will not regret it.
Francine and Claude -the woods # sthash.zBwGcTpH.dpuf
Alain Laprise February 4, 2015

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