Monday, February 9, 2015

Genealogy of Robert Caron and Marie Crevet


Robert Caron and Marie Crevet

Robert Caron
Born about 1612 - La Rochelle (Charente-Maritime) 17300
Died July 8, 1656 (Saturday)
Hôtel-Dieu de Québec, at the age of maybe 44 years old
Buried 8 July 1656 (Saturday) - Quebec (Quebec), QC

Spouse (s) and child
(ren)25 October 1637 (Sunday), Québec (Québec), Notre Dame Parish, QC,
MarieCrevet ca 1615-1695 (Parents: Pierre Crevet † / 1637 & Marie Le Mercier † / 1637) and
    • MaryCaron ca 1638-1660
    • Jean Caron1641-1706
    • 1647-1714 Robert Caron
    • Catherine Caron1649-1725
    • Joseph Caron1652-1711
    • Pierre Caron 1654- / 1720
    • Loved Caron ca 1656-1685

Individual notes

arrived November 30, 1636 in Quebec City. Will be established on the Côte de Beaupré at Long Point. The act of baptism of a Robert Caron, son of Jehan Caron, found in the register of St-Vivien en1613 parish could be his, because everything leads us to believe that he was of Norman origin. October 4, 1642, he sold his land to Guillaume Couillard Longue-Pointe and comes to settle in QuebecOrigin.;

CARON, Robert Unknown  deceased: Hôtel-Dieu burial: 08-07-1656 Québec; first mention: 30-11-1636 witness Québec; grant of land in 1649; can not sign; Married: 25-10-1637 Québec Marie CREVET; family established in Quebec; 7 children. (CI: 53; DGFQ: 199) in 1636 in Quebec City

Fleet at Quebec and Acadia in 1636.

The Jesuits CHASTELLAIN and Garnier, who arrive in Huronia August 12, 1637, recount in Relations arrival in 1636 and the coming of " eight beautiful
vessels led by the PLESSIS BOCHART.

"Thehistorian Marcel Trudel wrote that he came to Quebec three or four vessels of St. Joseph (but we do not know when it happened) with Nicolas TREVET of Longuejoue as lieutenant. François Castillon also controls one of the four ships. It identifies 91 of the 100 immigrants.

According to Father François Trudel RAGUENEAU is passing (he probably confused with his brother Paul arrived that year).

A first titular governor

An important person, Charles HUAULT Montmagny embedded in the one of the ships of Duplessis, arrived in Quebec on ​​June 11 Appointed Governor January 15,
1636 he was the first titular governor of New France. It replaces and CHAMPLAIN,whose death occurred December 25, 1635, is still unknown
French authorities. Marc-Antoine ARM-DE-FER Châteaufort has been acting.
Wise advice to candidates to start for the New

FrancefatherLEJEUNE,in theJesuit Relations, congratulates the Hundred Associates for their efforts in improving the living conditions in the colony. Although the country can not
yet be sufficient in itself it offers great opportunities, both poor farmers as wealthy and good family. It gives "some opinions for those who
want to spend in New France." The first, engaged without wages but room and board, must first come alone.

Five or six years after hard work they will become owner of half acres of land they have cleared, averaging eight acres, more than enough to feed six people. There are so many strong and sturdy peasants in France with no bread to put in their mouths, scared to leave the misery and poverty of their village when they might be at ease among the inhabitants of New France .

The latter will give land cleared with a location to build a house. They engage workers at their expense with adequate provisions for all. He cites the example of one of his "opinion" LEGARDEUR Pierre, Sieur de Repentigny, boarded the shipSavinien COURPON "the more good we can do flours happen is the best, and most assured. M. de Repentigny provided for two years, what it has done wisely. " After a few years thanks to the work of clearing and tilling of these involved a gentleman has a thriving businessNumber:.

ship came to New France

Ship  555    "COURPON Savinien vessel" Master, Savinien de Latour COURPON From La Rochelle and arrived in Quebec June 12, 1636

Robert Caron was probably on this vessel


Parish/ City:
Saintonge, Poitou-Charentes
Inh .:
8 July 1656 - Age 53
Parish / City:
Inh / Source:.
Burial 8 July 1656, Quebec (PRDH)

Information, Other Kids, Notes, etc.
(CT 07 Aubert Marie Crevet

of unknown parents

Robert Caron arrived in New France, probably in 1635, on a ship of the Compagnie des Cent-Associés from Dieppe.

It is given a concession by Pierre LeGardeur Repentigny, lord of a part of the Beaupré, and he settled immediately near the Montmorency Falls.

On October 25, 1637, he married in Quebec with a young Norman, Crevet Marie, daughter of Pierre and Marie LeMercier of Benouville, Diocese Bayeu. It was there that her first child, Mary, in 1639.

When her second child was born, he had already approached Quebec, Côteau Ste-Geneviève and Jean-Baptiste was baptized July 10, 1641 in Quebec City .

On October 4, 1642, he sold his land in Montmorency Guillaume Couillard for the sum of one hundred and fifty pounds of silver.

In the spring of 1643, Robert Caron therefore engaged in clearing the Côteau Ste-Geneviève and in 1649 he received Company of One Hundred Associates the official title of owner of its concession 40 acres.

M. On Ailleboust, governor, adds twenty acres in 1651.

In 1654, Robert Caron sells his property Ste-Geneviève Côteau to settle on the coast of Beaupré on land he had chosen and located about a mile from the present Ste-Anne BasilicaNote:..

He had six children, Mary, John the Baptist, Joseph, Robert, Peter and Aimee

Robert Caron, son married Marguerite Cloutier and they had like son Augustin Caron that he married Madeleine Gaulin.

So far ancestors are found in the Boucher family Bélair ...

Augustin Caron and Madeleine Gaulin had 2 son Michel (Boucher family) and Ignatius (Bélair family).

Robert Caron died at the Hotel-Dieu de Québec 8 July 1656 (as René Jetté)

We have no information on the circumstances of his death.

Other Caron emigrated to Canada later and some settled in the States States
Marriage or Union
Robert at 34 & Marie at 22
25 October 1637
Source: Wedding PRDH (Admin # 1)

Spouse (s)


Parish/ City:
Bapt / Source:.
Born: 1615 benouville, archev. Rouen, Normandy (ar Harbour, seine-maritime.) PRDH
November 22, 1695 -  80
Parish / City:
age:.Inh /
Source: Death:1695-11-22
Burial: 1695 -11 to 23 Baie-St-Paul PRDH
Information, Other Kids, Notes, etc.
Marie is also called CRENEL, CREVEL
(Ct 07 Aubert)
On his death it 92 years
Burial 23 November 1695, Baie St-Paul (PRDH)

Other Marriages of: Marie Crevet
Christmas Langlois
Chateau Richer

The ancestor of Caron
text Jean-Paul Caron and Jean de Chantal ..
Chronicle in collaboration with the l`Outaouais Genealogical Society, Inc., published on April 1, 1991
The origin of this family remains a secret
The main strain of families that formed Caron Robert Caron. It is not known where the ancestor came from: Britain, Saintonge, Aunis, Normandy? The mystery remains since the church records Notre-Dame-de-la-Recouvrance in Quebec were burned in the fire of June 15, 1640. At the same time the act of marriage uniting Robert Caron and Marie disappeared Crevet , erasing for future generations, the information concerning the origin, age and family ancestor.
The latter landed at Quebec in the summer of 1636. A few weeks later, he moved to Longue Pointe, near Montmorency Falls. The weeks and months went by, leaving Robert Caron the time it takes to clear his concession and probably build a house for Marie welcome Crevet or Crevet he married on October 25, 1637.
Over the years born Marie Jean-Baptiste, Robert, Catherine, Joseph, Peter and Aymée. The ancestor of "itchy feet" or the desire to find the franchise that is more beneficial for him and his family. In 1642, he sold his Longue Pointe land to come to settle near Quebec, Sainte-Geneviève hill where there is a greater number of compatriots.
The great journey of Caron is not completed since March 27, 1654 Robert bought land in Sainte-Anne-de-Beaupré. Barely 40 years old, he died suddenly at the Hôtel-Dieu de Québec, and is buried July 8, 1656 in Notre Dame Cemetery in that city.
Another branch of this family, we do not yet managed to connect to the main trunk from the ancestor Robert Caron, came to settle in Hull in the eighth generation. This is Hercules Arthur Caron, son of Norbert and Herméline Mercury who married Georgiana Kemmer-Laflamme, daughter of Jean-Baptiste and Véronique Yon (Dion). Readers may wish to enlighten us about this last family.

The lineage ofCaron


RobertI Caron
October 25, 1637
Marie Crevet

Robert Caron II
October 9, 1674
Marguerite Cloutier

I Caron Ignace
November 15, 1707
Ste-Famille, Ile d'Orléans
Marie Gaulin

LouisJean-Marie Caron
June 26, 1740
Françoise Gagnon


Caron Ignace II
1 June 1762
Marie-Anne Thibodeau


Olivier Caron I
First marriage: 13 February 1809
Marie-Josephte Baril


2nd marriage: October 14, 1834
St-Grégoire de Nicolet
Madeleine Bourk

Olivier Caron II
February 15, 1836
St-Grégoire de Nicolet
Ovid Bourk

Thomas Caron
January 12, 1875
St. UrsulaMaskinongé
Virginie Lupien

Arthur Caron
1st marriage: October 27, 1908
Hull, Quebec
Alice Lalonde


2nd marriage: November 20, 1918
Hull, Quebec

Jean-Paul Caron
May 31, 1933

Suzanne(1934) Pierre Caron (1944)

Several tracks are advanced to explain the origin of the Caronsurname.The main refers to the wheelwright's craft, practiced by a craftsman who makes trucks and agricultural machinery. As stated historian Roland Jacob, the business formerly known as the wheelwright or charlier the center of France, takes different names depending on the country. In the south, it is called carrier; Lorraine, Cherrier; Then, in Picardy and Normandy, or ... Carlier Caron! Caron can also refer to someone miser or a surname, driven notably by a Gallic saint.
With approximately 24,300 carriers, Caron rank among the largest families of Quebec. They occupy the 21st. Also in France the number is not negligible. We are between thirty and forty thousand, which earned them a place in the top 100.
The pioneers of Caron
Caron down by 4 pioneers, all arrived in the 17th century. They have generously contributed to the revenge of the cradle.
Arrived in 1636, Robert Caron was the first to set foot in New France. Unfortunately, his marriage certificate will be destroyed in the fire at the church in Quebec in 1640. It will restore the memory, but omitting some precious details such as the name of the ancestor of parents and place of origin. So it is not known what part of France it arrived. However, we know that it was born in 1612 and he married Marie Crevet in Quebec City on October 25, 1637. It is from Bénouville, a borough of Caen, Calvados, Normandy.
4 pioneers, Robert Caron will have fewer children, but they are especially prolific. 7 heirs (3 girls and 4 boys), all baptized in Quebec, will leave more than forty descendants. For their wedding, girls Caron will ally with strong common surnames and swell the ranks of Lessard, Paré, Bolduc, Bernier and Simard.

As for the 4 boys (Jean-Baptiste, Robert, Joseph and Peter), 12 of their son Total will marry and thus continue the tradition of their father Robert, mainly in the regions of Beaupré and Cap St. Ignace.

Claude Caron

Like the previous, the origin of this second coming is unknown. 1670, Claude Caron wife Marie Madeleine Varennes, a native of Saint-Jean d'Auvergne Aubrigoux. The couple had nine children (5 girls and 4 boys), baptized at La Prairie. Two of the son (Claude and Vital) will marry, the sisters Elizabeth and Marie Perthuis. Claude to take second wife Marie-Jeanne Boyer will give him 12 children (9 boys and 3 girls, 4 son will marry). Together, Claude and Vital will be the parents of twenty children who base their families mainly in La Prairie, but also in Lachine.

Vital Caron

Not to be confused with the son of the former pioneer, this third ancestor born to Medeyrolles in Auvergne, union Michel Caron and Jeanne Allard. It is suspected that it would be the parent with the couple Claude Caron and Marie Madeleine Varennes mentioned above. February 10, 1686 in Château-Richer, Vital Caron married Marguerite Gagnon, daughter of Mathurin Gagnon and Francoise Godeau. The couple had nine children (6 girls and 3 boys), all baptized in Quebec. Two son, Joseph Vital and Nicolas will marry and leave assure offspring.
Jean Caron
We know a little more about this fourth and last pioneer family. Son of Pierre and Marie Caron Thoisnet, he grew up in the parish of Saint-Jean-du-Perrot La Rochelle where he worked as a blacksmith and taillandier master. The 1681 census tells us that he lives in the lordship of Saurel where it takes 8 acres under cultivation. May 27, 1687, he married Elizabeth Rabouin, daughter of Jean and Marguerite Rabouin Radion. The contract was signed at the notary Ménard St. Ours. Their 3 children died in infancy and wife soon after, in 1691.
February 27, 1686, Jean Caron married second wife Teresa de Billy, daughter of François de Billy and Catherine Marguerite Lamarche. The couple had six children (four girls and two boys). One is getting married.
In 1723, Jean Caron become widowed for the second time and will remain so until his last breath, to 82 years. His descendants populate regions of Sorel and Batiscan.
It is also known as the Mary Crevel, Crevel Marie  and Marie Crenel .

Marie Crevet

She is the daughter of Pierre and Marie Crevet Mercier.

She was born around 1615 in Bénouville, Caen, Calvados, Basse-Normandie, France 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13. She married Robert Caron son of René -Édouard Caron October 25, 1637 at Notre Dame, Québec, Québec, Québec, Canada in the presence of Noël Langlois and Robert said Boisverdun Giffart, Lord of Beauport 1, 2, 5, 14. Loved Caron, Joseph Caron, Pierre Caron, Robert Caron and Marie Crevet live in 1666 in Beaupre, Montmorency, Quebec 5.

The marriage contract Crevet and Marie Noël Langlois said Boisverdun was signed on 7 July 1666 by Claude Aubert before. She married Noël Langlois said Boisverdun son of Guillaume Langlois and Jeanne Millet July 27, 1666 in La Visitation de Notre-Dame, Chateau-Richer, Capitale-Nationale, Québec 1, 2, 6. ACAU Michel Albert Abraham, Jean Langlois, Noël Langlois dit Traversy, Aimee Caron and Marie Crevet live in 1667 with Noël Langlois said Boisverdun ribbed Beauport, Notre-Dame-des-Anges and other places, Quebec Crevet 6. Marie and Noel Langlois said Boisverdun live in 1681 to the lordship of Beauport, Quebec 1.

She died November 22, 1695 at St. Peter and St. Paul, Baie-Saint-Paul, Charlevoix, Quebec 15. She was buried November 23, 1695 in Saint-Pierre-et -Saint Paul, Baie-Saint-Paul 15.

She may be the mother of Marie-Anne LangloisCrevet.

(c) Alain Laprise August 15, 2014

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