Monday, February 9, 2015

Corruption under Louis XIV vs corruption of Jean Charest

Montreal July 6, 2014
Versailles, France December 11, 1697
Corruption under
Louis XIVversus
Jean Charest
Thieves and cutthroats in Versailles versus thieves and cutthroats in the National Assembly of Quebec

Versailles Palace vs theAssembly


Thief: individual, political party consulting firm, professional associations, etc. who embezzled property through deception and contracts belong to the taxpayers to others. Character who lives or sustains some groups to benefit those bastards of individuals per flight.

The cut-throat is a robber strikes from behind like Laval Mayor Gilles Vaillancourt, mafiosi, to advices firms, architects, as Roche, SNC Lavalin, trade unions, employers association, professionals, and other

thief pickpocketing which goods lined pockets, purse, her purse as Mr. Gilles 3% Surpenant but he neither sees no harm because harvest only small amounts of silver. Later he graciously donated his soul to thieves, political parties who use a daily to our elected royal buffet. The State is me and the State is our corrupt politicians.

Louis XIV

Aeven within the palace, thieves, cutthroats and other breast pockets were indeed many and incredibly daring. The ease with which people let in clans Castle partially explains their impunity. As valets, guards, pages crossed through the galleries it was very difficult to detect unknown and prevent their bad shots. It has often emphasized the unceremonious curious that crept into the castle and, a fortiori, visited the gardenssay.

If Louis XIV could"Stateisme"these unwanted guests would have added "and the state is ours.

"Someflights caused such a scandal that the memoirs could not help to record.

To mark the ball given December 11,1697,many foreign and curious went to Versailles. Courtilz Gatien deSandras,whose satires on the court are valuable despite their venom, no shortage of stress that empty-pockets (pickpocket, pickpockets) does not let out such a

windfall, "Theycame there dressed like the others, so to reserve their face that was not known in that country, there was someone who might have been taken for quality people experience.:

"MarieAdelaide  Savoy ofhad the bitter

With a deft hand, a daring cleanly cut out a piece of her dress a diamond as an closed staple. When she noticed the thief was far away. The Chevalier de Sully was more fortunate than the duchess. He put his hand on a chap who was trying to steal a jewel. Great was his amazement to recognize a good familygentleman."Arthur Porter"

Louis XIV was warned. He showed less surprise. He knew that his courtiers wore out all the expedients to procuremoney."Philippe Couillard 'The fripiers, resellers and other dealers were making a fortune in Versailles and did not require clarification of the origin of the jewelry they were offered. "Violette Trépanier"

To the gentleman caught in the act, His Majesty concluded Courtilz de Sandras, wanted to know who it was. It is said in his ear the name of this scholarship cutter. He did not like it said to him otherwise because, for the love of his parents, he was glad to save the honor of the unfortunate. "Charbonneau Commission no one will be condemned and imprisoned, it is the big fish"

The provost of the hotel did not have to intervene ... but all the court knew the name of the character and it disappeared.

The little people

less bold, small people walking in the gardens were content to pick flowers flower beds, to steal the treesserious. Thefts "little people"  were sometimes more  were removed to thelead pipes pipes ofMr. Francine!

It was taken gigantic measures ofprotection.King Louis XIV was forced to surround the groves and plantations padlocked gates.

The captain of the guard enacted regulations threatening the most severe penalties people convinced of offenses committed in the park. We must discourage those little people from committing crimes so bold in attacking the fundamentals of our monarchy since too can taste and enjoy our villainous manager of the State invulnerability.  

We are the law, we create inequality, we divide and conquer, we are untouchable.

© Alain Laprise 6 July 2014

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